COMPLINE, in Greek and in Slavonic, means bedtime or after supper prayer. It has two versions: Great and Small Compline.  SMALL COMPLINE is for private prayers before sleep. GREAT COMPLINE commemorates such events as the eve of the Nativity of Christ and His Epiphany, and provides a structure by which to pray St. Andrew's Great Canon of Repentance during Great Lent. Great Compline is celebrated during Great Lent on Monday, Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings. (On Wednesday evenings is the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy (ORTHOFLASH, MARCH 1, 2018) and on Fridays is the Akathist (Madayeh) to the Theotokos (ORTHOFLASH, MARCH 30, 2017)).  It is usually an hour long and the Royal Doors' curtains are traditionally kept closed until the very end of Great Compline, keeping the altar hidden from view. The service consists of twelve readings from the Palms, and several prayers and hymns. The most well-known hymn is "O Lord of Hosts, be with us for we have none other help in times of sorrows but Thee. O Lord of Hosts, have mercy on us."


Les COMPLIES (littéralement, prière d'après-souper) sont un office du soir dans le rite byzantin, célébré après les vêpres. C'est le dernier office du jour dans le cycle quotidien liturgique.      Il existe deux formes de Complies: les GRANDES COMPLIES et les PETITES COMPLIES.Aux Complies (petites et grandes), un Canon à la Theotokos (Orthoflash du 11 mai 2017) est normalement lu. Le rideau et les Portes Royales demeurent fermés pandant toute la durée de l'office. Il y a peu de lumière dans l'église. L'office des Petites Complies est composé: de trois psaumes (50, 69, 142); d'une Petite Doxologie; du Credo; de Canons à la Mère de Dieu, à un saint ou au Christ; du Trisagion; du Tropaire du jour; etc. L'office finit toujours avec une demande mutuelle de pardon.