Getting Married

Getting Married

Getting married is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. You have already invested heavily in developing a relationship with your future spouse, and you both have made a commitment to love one another forever.  Now that you are engaged and planning to get married, what is the best way to ensure that your new life together gets off to a great start?

For Orthodox Christians it means being married in the Orthodox Church, because marriage is a sacred and holy institution designed by God for salvation.  The marriage rite is itself a sacrament, which means it must occur inside the Church, just like all of the other sacraments (e.g. Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion).  For an Orthodox Christian, any wedding that occurs outside of the Church separates that person from the sacraments of the Church.  So, as an Orthodox Christian, the correct way to begin is by celebrating your marriage in an Orthodox Church. St. George Orthodox Church of Montreal would be pleased to help you get started with your wedding plans.

Please remember

1. Your marriage is holy.

When you choose to celebrate your marriage with a religious ceremony in the Orthodox Church you and your spouse are acknowledging that your marriage is a holy union blessed by God. God designed the institution of marriage as a sacrament, which means that it is for your personal spiritual healing and salvation.  Every marriage that is celebrated at St. George is a miracle. During the ceremony two people are transformed and united together by God to have a oneness of mind and body and, “…the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mark 10:8). At marriage, a new family is created, a new home is established on Earth. This is God’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.

2. Your marriage is a lasting commitment.

A marriage celebrated at St. George takes place before a community of your family and friends who witness this sacred occasion.  You are also making a statement of your faith in Jesus Christ, and your belief in what an Orthodox Christian marriage can do for your life. Marriage is a bond, not only between a man and a woman, but also a covenant with Christ. Inviting Christ into your marriage allows Him the room to bless your new home and family life for the rest of your life.

3. At St. George you will get the help you need, when you need it.

Whether you are looking for pastoral guidance or help with wedding preparation, one call to St. George is all you need to do! St. George offers pre-marital group information sessions in addition to private pastoral guidance meetings with the priest and each couple. As your wedding date draws closer, the priest will also meet with you and your wedding party for a full rehearsal to explain the meaning of the ceremony and answer any questions you may have.  Our office administrator is ready to assist you with planning all the details to ensure you have the perfect day.

4. Love is eternal.

God is love, and His love is forever. The love you have for one another on your wedding day is only the beginning.  When you celebrate your marriage at St. George you are connecting your family life to God and His Church. You are asking for His divine protection for your new family, and you are building your marriage on the strength of the entire St. George community. God has built the Church to draw everyone nearer to Him, including you and your new family. Your decision to get married at church is only the first step in building a family life filled with love, peace, joy, and happiness.

Curious about the meaning of the Orthodox Marriage Rite? Please see below for more information:

The Lighting of the Candles: the lighted candles given to those being united in marriage symbolize the light of Christ’s presence and the purity that His presence brings to all.

The Rings: Are the symbol of the betrothal. They typify and eternal bond which cannot be dissolved.

The Crowning: symbolize the glory and the honor with which God crowns the bride and groom during the sacrament.

The Common Cup: This “Cup of Fellowship” signifies community of life, they drink form the cup of life together.

The Circling in Procession: The husband and wife are taking their very first steps as a married couple. The way is symbolized by the circle at the center of which are the Gospel and the Cross.

For more information, please see “Building an Orthodox Marriage” by Bishop John Abdalah and Nicholas G. Mamey.  All couples married at St. George Orthodox Church of Montreal receive a complimentary copy of this very practical guidebook.

In accordance with the guidelines of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, every individual who requests a Divine Service from the Church must be a member in good standing prior to marriage. Should you have any question or simply need help, please call the Church office at (514) 276-8533 ext. 200