The Holy Scripture is a collection of books - books of the Old and of the New Testament - written over multiple centuries - by those inspired by God to do so. They are divinely inspired and humanly expressed. The Scriptures are the word of God and are about the Word of God, Jesus Christ. They bear authoritative witness to God's revelation of Himself - in creation, in the Incarnation of the Word, and the whole history of salvation. And as such they express the word of God in human language. We know, receive, and interpret Scripture through the Church and in the Church. So the Church in her wisdom has selected readings for each day of the year. Whether we study the Daily Scripture Readings (https://saintgeorgemontreal.org/daily-scripture/) OR get the Daily Readings Mobile App (https://www.goarch.org/-/daily-reading-app), do it in a planned way or a random one, the point is that we need to be reading Scripture on a daily basis. It is the best way to "hear" God speaking to us. It is a faith document — not science, philosophy, history, archaeology, literature, ideology, or biography; thus, we must read it with the eyes of faith.  SACRED TRADITION is the deposit of faith given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles and passed on in the Church from one generation to the next. The oral word preceded the written word. The very purpose in writing the New Testament was because Christ had already risen from the dead—with the death of the Apostle James, the Church realized that the eyewitnesses were not always going to be with them, therefore the preaching of the eyewitnesses was written down. There are number references in HOLY SCRIPTURE to HOLY TRADITION (Luke 1:1-4; John 20:30-31; John 21:25; 1 Corinthians 11:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:6, etc.). Tradition, as an historical event, begins with the Apostolic preaching and is found in Scriptures, but it is kept, treasured, interpreted, and explained to the Church by the Holy Fathers, the successors of the Apostles.