PARAKLESIS SERVICE (Supplicatory Prayer): The word "PARACLESIS" has two different meanings: the first is "consolation," from which the Holy Spirit is called the "Paraclete," or "Consoler"; the scond is "supplication" or "petition". The Service of the Paraclesis to the Theotokos consists of hymns of supplication to obtain consolation and courage. The theme of these Paraclesis Services centers around the petition: "Most Holy Theotokos save us."       The Great Paraklesis is celebrated every evening during the Dormition Fast (August 1-13) - except Saturday evening and the Eves of the Transfiguration and the Dormition - alternately with the Small Paraklesis. An Icon of the Theotokos is placed on a stand in the center of the Solea and the Royal Doors remain closed.       A Paraklesis is usually celebrated as a stand-alone service in the church with a priest. It may also be celebrated at any times during the year, especially in time of particular need, at the request of one of the faithful, or even on a routine weekly basis in many parish churches.        This service is most often addressed to the Theotokos but there are other Paraklesis Services, identically structured and employing the same melodies, that are addressed to the saints, also seeking their intercessions before the Lord for the health and well being of the faithful.


PARACLÈSE, PARACLISIS OU PARAKLESIS est un office de supplication adressé à un saint ou, le plus souvent, à la Théotokos.      La Paraclèse la plus populaire est adressée à la Mère de Dieu. Ce service a deux formes: la Petite Paraclèse et la Grande Paraclèse. pour la plus grande part de l'année, on ne chante que la Petite Paraclèse. Toutefois, lors du jeune de la Dormition (du 1er au 13 août iclusivement), il est prescrit que la Petite et la Grande Paraclèse soient chantées tous les soirs alternativement selon les règles précises, à l'exception de la veille des dimanches et de la veille de la Transfeguration (le soir du 5 août). Lors d'une Paraclèse, on chante un canon («Canon de supplication») ainsi que des psaumes, des hymnes et des litanies (ecténies).       L'office de la Paraclisis st chantée pour la guérison des âmes et des corps, en période d'affliction ou de péril. Le mot grec para ″ auprès ″ ,clisis, ″ appeler, nommer″ signifie à la fois intercession et consolation.       Pour le plaisir d'écouter: Office orthodoxe en français - Paraclisis à la Mère de Dieu ( Prière d'intercession)